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First Steps Montessori

Day Nursery

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About Montessori Method

Montessori Philosophy
The Montessori Method is completely child-centred. It is a system designed to fit the needs of children in their task of growing and adapting to the world. It provides a structured environment, carefully prepared and maintained and offers an extensive range of developmental activities that each child can choose, according to his or her interests.  It offers what children need and love most:

- Freedom of choice within positive boundaries

- Independence

- Time and space to do what they have chosen

- Guidance from caring and respectful adults

- Compatibility with the individual, spontaneous manner of learning which is   a natural occurrence in all young children

We firmly believe that all children are inherently good, intelligent, caring human beings, who are capable of proudly becoming the citizens of the future.  This drives those of us fortunate enough to work in a Montessori environment onwards and upwards.  We always strive to provide a high quality, holistic education and the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development of our children is the yardstick by which we judge ourselves.

How the children learn

Dr. Maria Montessori compared the young mind to a sponge. It absorbs information from the environment (consider how a young child acquires his native tongue). Acquiring information in this way is fun for the child, who uses all his senses to investigate the environment. It follows that a classroom where he or she could handle materials, which would demonstrate basic educational principles to the child, could enrich a his/her experience.

Over sixty years of experience have proved her theory that a child can learn to read and write and calculate in the same way that he or she learns to walk and talk. In a Montessori classroom the environment and equipment invites the child to do this at his/her own pace. In order to learn there must be concentration and the best way a child can concentrate is by fixing his attention on a task performed with their hands.

All the equipment in the Montessori classroom invites a child to use his/her hands and senses for learning.



''Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future.'' - Dr. Maria Montessori


        Dr. Maria Montessori
